Oxford Francis Bacon
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Plan of the Edition
Editorial & Advisory Board
Published Vols
OFB I: Early Writings 1584-1596
OFB IV: Advancement of Learning
OFB VI: Philosophical Studies
OFB VIII: Historie of King Henry VII
OFB XI: Novum organum
OFB XII: Historia naturalis
OFB XIII: Instauratio: Last Writings
OFB XV: Essayes and Counsels (1625)
Planned Vols
OFB II: Late Elizabethan Writings
OFB III: Earlier Jacobean Writings
OFB V: Early Philosophical Writings
OFB VII: Political and Legal Writings
OFB IX & X: De augmentis
OFB XIV: Sylva and New Atlantis
OFB XVI: Index
Short Titles
Submission Form
Early Editions
Review of Julie Robin Solomon, and Catherine Gimelli Martin (eds), Francis Bacon and the Refiguring of Early Modern Thought. Essays to Commemorate The Advancement of Learning (1605-2005) (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005)
Francis Bacon order die Modernisierung Englands
Bacon’s “Scientia Operativa”, the Tradition of the Workshops, and the Secrets of Nature
March 26, 2017
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Review of Julie Robin Solomon, and Catherine Gimelli Martin (eds), Francis Bacon and the Refiguring of Early Modern Thought. Essays to Commemorate The Advancement of Learning (1605-2005) (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005)
Francis Bacon order die Modernisierung Englands
Recently Published
Early Writings 1584-1596
, ed. by Alan Stewart with
Harriet Knight