OFB VII: Political and Legal Writings

Oxford Francis Bacon VII:
Political and Legal Writings, 1613–1626

Ed. by Chris R. Kyle


1 Proposition for the repressing of singular combats or Duelloes (1613?) PRD
2 Charge touching Duels (1614) ChD
3 The argument on the writ De non procedendo rege inconsulto (1615) ArW
4 The charge against M. L. S. W. and H. I. for scandall and traducing (10 Nov. 1615) ChST
5 Case of the Impeachment of Waste (c.1615) CIW
6 Case of the Revocation of Uses (c.1615) CRU
7 Lowe’s Case of Tenures (c.1615) LCT
8 Speech concerning Undertakers (c.1615) SpU
9 Arguments in the case de commenda (1616) ArDC
10 Arguments of law … in certain great and difficult cases (1616) ArL
11 Letter of Advice to Villiers (version unknown) (1616) LAV
12 Aphorismi de jure gentium maiore (c.1618) AJ
13 The counsells warrant for searching [?] for gold and siluer thread (1618) CWGS
14 A prayer made by the Lord Chancellor (after 1618) Pr
15 The warrant dorman[t?] for gold and silver of […] (1618) WDGS
16 Speech in Star Chamber (1619) SpSC(19)
17 First Speech (30 Jan. 1620) SpF
18 Offer of a digest of the laws of England (1621) OD
19 Speech to the Speaker’s excuse (early 1621) SpSE
20 Upon the death of the duke of Richmond and Lennox (Feb. 1624) DRL
21 Ordinances in Chancery (1618–21) OrC
22 The charge … against William Talbot (Jan. 1614) ChT
23 It is fit for the King to call a Parliament (1613/14) KCP
24 Incidents of a Parliament (1613/14) IP
25 Memorial of some points in his Majesty’s Speech (1613/14) MMS
26 Points to be observed in the voluntary oblation (1614) PVO
27 Memorial touching the review of penal laws (n.d.) MPL
28 Star Chamber notes on deer stealing (n.d.) SCDS
29 Act of Council on Commendams (n.d.) ACC
30 Decree on Praemunire (n.d.) DP
31 Case of John Bartram (1616) CJB
32 Notes on Lord Darcy’s Case (1616) NDC
33 Letter of Advice to Villiers (version 2) (1616) LAV2
34 Speech at the taking of his place in Chancery (7 May 1617) SpCh
35 Speech in Star Chamber (1617) (1617) SpSC(17)
36 A short view to be taken of Great Britain and Spain (1623–) VBS
37 On Royal Finances (1619–20) ORF
38 Notes to a Speech in Chancery (Whitlock) (1619–20) NSpC
39 Last Will (1621) (1621) LW1
40 A Prayer, or Psalme (1621) Ps
41 Warrants (n.d.) War
42 Notes of a speech on war with Spain (1623–24) NSpW
43 Speech upon the Case of Parry (1614) SpCP
44 Speech on impositions (1614) SpI
45 A Report (1621) Rep
46 Speech to the Lords (1621) SpL
47 Submission to Parliament (19 April) (19 Apr. 1621) SP1
48 Submission to Parliament (22 April) (22 Apr. 1621) SP2
49 Submission to Parliament (30 April) (30 Apr. 1621) SP3
50 Confession and Submission (1621) ConS
51 Examination of Edward Peacham (1614–15) EEP
52 The charge … against Mr I. S. (Oliver St John) (28 Apr. 1615) ChIS
53 Charge against the Countess of Somerset (1616) ChCS
54 Charge against the Earl of Somerset (1616) ChES
55 Memorial for a declaration in Council (1616) MDC
56 Letter of Advice to Villiers (version 1) (1616) LAV1
57 Proposition touching the compiling of the laws (1616) PCL
58 Cloth trade (1616) CT
59 Speech to Mr Serjeant Hutton (19 May 1617) SpH
60 Speech to Sir John Denham (19 May 1617) SpD
61 Speech to Sir William Jones (19 May 1617) SpWJ
62 Speech to the Judges (1617) SpJ
63 Ordinance for Constituting Reporters (1617) OCR
64 Draft ofa proclamation for Parliament (1620) PrP
65 Legal Notes (1621) LN
66 Considerations touchinge a warre with Spaine (1624) CWS
67 Accusation of Wentworth and others – Speech in STAC (1615) SpW
68 Accounts (1618) ACT
69 Speech in Star Chamber (1620) Yelverton (1620) SpSC(20)
70 Form of Sir Thomas Lake’s submission (1619–20) TLS
71 Circular from the Council to the Nobility (1620) CCN
72 Certificate touching the wools of Ireland (1616) CWI
73 Usury and the use thereof (29 Mar. 1623) OU
74 Last Will (1625) (19 Dec. 1625) LW2
75 Last will (Baconiana) (by 1625) LW3
76 Charge of Owen (1615) Ch01
77 Charge of Owen (fair copy) (1615) Ch02
78 Innovations introduced into the laws (1616) IIL
79 Public Commissions (1619–20) PC
80 Notes on Mr Attorney’s Cause/Yelverton’s Trial (1620) NYT
81 Memorial (1621) Mem
82 Memorandum of access (1621–22) MAC
83 Petition to the House of Lords (29 Mar. 1620) PHL
84 Notes re Cranfield/Countess of Buckingham (1621–22) NCCB
85 To the King advising him to call Parliament (1615) KP
86 A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh (1618) DWR
87 Star-Chamber. My L. Chancellor’s speech to the judges (26 June 1618) SpSC(18)
88 Letter to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal (19 Mar. 1621) LST