OFB XIV: Sylva and New Atlantis

Oxford Francis Bacon XIV:
Sylva Sylvarum and New Atlantis

Ed. by †Graham Rees, Maria Wakely, David Colclough, Michael Kiernan, and Kathryn Murphy, with Guido Giglioni and Penelope Gouk.

Volume XIV of the Oxford Francis Bacon is comprised of Bacon’s last natural historical and literary writings, the Sylva sylvarumNew Atlantis, and Magnalia Naturae. These works were published together by Bacon’s chaplain William Rawley following his death in 1626. Edited by the late Graham Rees with Maria Wakely, and including extensive commentary by David Colclough, Michael Kiernan, Kathryn Murphy, Guido Giglioni, and Penelope Gouk, this volume presents definitive scholarly editions of Bacon’s last writings.


1 Sylva sylvarum (working notes) (before 1626) SSWN
2 Sylva sylvarum (1626) SS
3 New Atlantis (1626) NA
4 Magnalia Naturae (1626/7) MN