Short Titles

This page offers a list of short titles used in published and unpublished volumes of the Oxford Francis Bacon. Works which are yet to be published are given abbreviations in red. Works which are yet to be assigned to a volume are marked with an asterisk. Note that this list does not yet set out to provide a complete canon of Bacon’s writings.

AC Aphorismi et consilia (c.1607?) OFB V
ACC Act of Council on Commendams (n.d.) OFB VII
ACE Advertisement touching the controversies of the Church of England (1589) OFB I
ACI Apology in certain imputations concerning the late Earl of Essex (late 1603) OFB III
ACRE Account of the committees for repair of the King’s estate (Aug. 1612) OFB III
ACT Accounts (1618) OFB VII
ACWM Act in Council concerning Whitelocke and Mansel (12 June 1613) OFB III
AdE1 First letter of advice to the Earl of Essex (1596) OFB I
AdE2 Second letter of advice to the Earl of Essex (1597) OFB II
AdE3 Third letter of advice to the Earl of Essex (1598) OFB II
AdE4 Advice to Essex before his going into Ireland (1599) OFB II
AdFG Letter of advice to Fulke Greville (c.1589) OFB I
AdK Advice to the King touching Sutton’s estate (1611) OFB III
AdKS Advice to the King touching Sutton’s estate (c. Jan. 1612) OFB III
AdQ Letter of advice to the Queen (1584-5) OFB I
AdR1 First letter of advice to the Earl of Rutland (1595) OFB I
AdR2 Second letter of advice to the Earl of Rutland (1595) OFB I
AdR3 Third letter of advice to the Earl of Rutland (1595) OFB I
AFU An act for the better grounding of a further union (1604) OFB III
AHW Advertisement touching an holy war (1622) OFB VIII
AJ Aphorismi de jure gentium maiore (before 1618?) OFB VII
AL Advancement of Learning (1605) OFB IV
ANN Abecedarium novum naturæ (1622) OFB XIII
AntR Antitheta rerum in DAS (1623) OFB IX
AOA About the oath of allegiance (12 Oct. 1613) OFB III
APC Advertisement touching private censure (c. 1598) OFB I
Apo Apophthegms (1625) OFB VIII
AQI Answers to the questions sent from Ireland (c.1608) OFB III
AQM(E) Articles of questions touching minerals (English) *
AQM(L) Articuli quaestionum circa mineralia (Latin) *
ArB Argument on the commission of Bridewell (c.1587) OFB I
ArBS Arguments against the bill of sheets (1606) OFB III
ArC Argument in Chudley’s case (1594) OFB I
ArCM Argument in maintaining the jurisdiction of the Council of the Marches (Apr. or Nov. 1608) OFB III
ArDC Arguments in the case de commenda (1616) OFB VII
ArL Arguments of law … in certain great and difficult cases (1616) OFB VII
ArPN Argument in the case of the post-nati (1608) OFB III
ArRI Argument proving the King’s right of impositions (June/July 1610) OFB III
ArW The argument on the writ De non procedendo rege inconsulto (1615) OFB VII
ASW An aduertisement touching seditious writing (c. 1589-93) OFB I
BIB Breviate of Irish business (2 July 1613) OFB III
CAU Certain articles touching the Union (Summer 1604) OFB III
CBES Collections out of the bookes receaved from the earle of Salisbury (by 1612) OFB III
CBP Certain considerations touching … the Church of England (Aug.-Oct. 1603) OFB III
CC Short notes on civil conversation (n.d.) OFB II
CCN Circular from the Council to the Nobility (1620) OFB VII
ChD Charge touching duels (1614) OFB VII
CDNR Cogitationes de natura rerum (before 1605?) OFB V
CDSH [Cogitationes de scientia humana] (before 1605?) OFB V
CFr Calor et frigus (n.d.) OFB V
CGE Colours of good and evil (1597) OFB II
Ch01 Charge of Owen (1615) OFB VII
Ch02 Charge of Owen (fair copy) (1615) OFB VII
CHP Catalogus historiarum particularium (in IM) (1620) OFB XI
ChCS Charge against the Countess of Somerset (1616) OFB VII
ChES Charge against the Earl of Somerset (1616) OFB VII
ChIS The charge … against Mr I. S. (Oliver St John) (28 Apr. 1615) OFB VII
ChS My Ladie Shrewsburies cause touching Arbella Stuart (1612) OFB III
ChST The charge against M. L. S. W. and H. I. for scandall and traducing (10 Nov. 1615) OFB VII
ChT The charge … against William Talbot (Jan. 1614) OFB VII
ChV Charge upon the commission of oyer and determiner for the verge (c.1611/12) OFB III
ChW The charge of Mr Whitlocke (June 1613) OFB III
CIW The case of the impeachment of waste (c.1615) OFB VII
CJB Case of John Bartram (1616) OFB VII
CKP Cases of the King’s prerogative (c.1608?) OFB III
ConF A confession of faith (c. 1602-3) OFB II
ConS Confession and Submission (1621) OFB VII
CPI Certaine considerations touching the plantation in Ireland (Jan. 1609) OFB III
CPP The certificate to his majesty touching the projects of Sir Stephen Proctor (1608) OFB III
CQS Considerations touching the Queen’s service in Ireland (1602) OFB II
CRC The certificate or return of the Commissioners (by Dec. 1604) OFB III
CRU The case of the revocation of uses (c.1615) OFB VII
CS Commentarius solutus sive pandecta, sive ancilla memoriæ (July 1608) OFB III
CSec Caput secundum (c. from 1603) OFB V
CT Cloth trade (1616) OFB VII
CSS A certificate touching the scarcity of silver at the Mint (Feb. 1612) OFB III
CV Cogitata et visa de interpretatione naturæ (c. 1607) OFB V
CWGS The counsells warrant for searching [?] for gold and siluer thread (1618) OFB VII
CWI Certificate touching the wools of Ireland (1616) OFB VII
CWS Considerations touchinge a warre with Spaine (1624) OFB VII
DAS De augmentis scientiarum (1623) OFB IX, X
DCW Dispute between the King’s Bench and the Court of Wales (1606) OFB III
DFRM De fluxu et reflexu maris (c. 1611) OFB VI
DGI Descriptio globi intellectualis (1612) OFB VI
DIN De interpretatione naturæ sententiæ xii (c. 1607?) OFB V
DINP De interpretatione naturæ prooemium (before 1605?) OFB V
DMW Directions for the Master ofthe Wards to observe (June 1612) OFB III
DO Distributio operis (in IM) (1620) OFB XI
DP Decree on Praemunire (n.d.) OFB VII
DPAO De principiis atque originibus (c.1612?) OFB VI
DPT A declaration of the practises & treasons … of Essex (1601) OFB II
DRH A direccon for the readeinge of histories with profitt (c.1601-2) OFB II
DRL Upon the death of the duke of Richmond and Lennox (Feb. 1624) OFB VII
DST De spe terrestri (by 1597) OFB II
DSV De sapientia veterum (1609) OFB V
DUK A brief discourse touching the happy union of the kingdoms (May/June 1603) OFB III
DVM De vijs mortis (after c.1611) OFB VI
DWR A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh (1618) OFB VII
E97 Essaies (1597) OFB II
E12 Essaies (c. Oct. 1612) OFB III
E12(ded) Letter Dedicatory to Prince Henry (Oct. 1612) OFB III
EAW Experiments about weight in air and water *
ECS The earl of Essex to the Council on embarking for Spain (1596) *
ED Essex’s device [Accession Day Device] (1596) OFB I
EEP Examination of Edward Peacham (1614–15) OFB VII
EM Elegancies miscellany (22 Apr. 1601) OFB II
EP Experiments for profit *
EsF(57) A fragment of an essay of fame OFB XV
EsF(MS) An essay of fame OFB III
EsH Essayes (1612) [Harleian MS] OFB III
Ess Essayes (1625) (1625) OFB XV
ExD The examination of John Drake (6 Nov. 1605) OFB III
FBL Franciscus Bacon lectori (1607-8?) OFB V
FBSC Franciscvs de Vervlamio sic cogitavit (1620) OFB XI
FL Filum labyrinthi, sive formula inquisitionis (c. 1607) OFB V
FLIL Filum labyrinthi sive inquisitio legitima de motu (1607-8?) OFB V
FME In felicem memoriam Elizabethæ (by 1608) OFB III
FMW A frame of declaration for the Master of the Wards (June 1612) OFB III
GG Gesta Grayorum: Orations at Graies Inne revells (3 Jan. 1595) OFB I
HDR Historia densi & rari (Rawley’s version) OFB XIII
HDR(M) Historia densi & rari (BN coll. Dupuy version) OFB XIII
HGB History of Great Britain (c.1610) OFB III
HGL Historia gravis et levis (1622) OFB XII
HIDA Historia & inquisitio de animato & inanimato (c.1622-3) OFB XIII
HIP Helps to the intellectual powers … to Sir Henry Saville (1598) OFB II
HMA The humble motion and allegacions … concerninge certaine fees (c. 1597) OFB II
HNE Historia naturalis et experimentalis (1622) OFB XII
HPWE In Henricem principem Walliæ elogium (1613) OFB III
HRH Historia regni Henrici Septimi regis Angliae (1638) *
HSA Historia soni et auditus (c. 1608?) OFB V
HSAR Historia sympathiae et antipathiae rerum (1622) OFB XII
HSMS Historia sulphuris, mercurii et salis (1622) OFB XII
HV Historia ventorum (1622) OFB XII
HVM Historiae vitae et mortis (1623) OFB XII
HVII The historie of the raigne of King Henry the seuenth (1622) OFB VIII
HVIII The historie of the raigne of King Henry the eighth (1621-) OFB VIII
IAC Imago civilis Augustæ Cæsaris (by c.1608) OFB III
IBR Inter Banc. Reg. et Cur. March. Wall. (c.1606-8) OFB III
ICA Instructions to the commissions concerning aid (Aug. 1612) OFB III
ICJ Imago civilis Julii Cæsaris (by c.1608) OFB III
ICM Inquisitions touching the compounding of metals *
IDM Inquisitio de magnete (1625) OFB XIII
IDM(E) Inquisitio de magnete (English notes) *
IIL Innovations introduced into the laws (1616) OFB VII
ILM Inquisitio legitima de motu (by 27 July 1608) OFB V
IM Instauratio magna (1620, 1623) OFB IX
IMP Instauratio magna præfatio (1620) OFB XI
IP Incidents of a Parliament (1613/14) OFB VII
IVB Inquisition concerning the versions of Bodies *
IVC Inquisitio de versionibus corporum *
IVDI Indicia vera de interpretatione naturæ (from 1607) OFB V
JCM Jurisdiction of the Council of the Marches (1606) OFB III
KCP It is fit for the King to call a Parliament (1613/14) OFB VII
KH8 The history of K. Henry 8, Edward, Mary and … Elizabeth (c.1602) OFB II
KLH A kallender of the lawes … of hostillitie (Nov. 1604) OFB III
KP To the King advising him to call Parliament (1615) OFB VII
LAV1 Letter of Advice to Villiers (version 1) (1616) OFB VII
LAV2 Letter of Advice to Villiers (version 2) (1616) OFB VII
LCK The Lord Chancellor and Lord Privy Seal to the King (21 Oct. 1612 OFB III
LCT Lowe’s case of tenures (c.1615) OFB VII
LKH Letter to the King upon sending him a beginning of a history of his time (c.1610/11) OFB III
LKC Letter to the King regarding the commissions concerning aid (Aug. 1612) OFB III
LKI A letter to the King, upon presenting the Discourse, touching … Ireland (Jan. 1609) OFB III
LKPN Letter to the King upon presenting papers concerning the post-nati (28 Nov. 1608) OFB III
LN Legal Notes (1621) OFB VII
LPH Letter to Prince Henry (1612) OFB III
LST Letter to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal (19 Mar. 1621) OFB VII
LW1 Last Will (1621) (1621) OFB VII
LW2 Last Will (1625) (19 Dec. 1625) OFB VII
LW3 Last will (Baconiana) (by 1625) OFB VII
LWE A letter written out of England (8 Dec. 1598) OFB II
MedS Meditationes sacræ (1597) OFB II
MA The misfortunes of Arthur: dumb shows (1588) OFB I
MAC Memorandum of access (1621–22) OFB VII
MDC Memorial for a declaration in Council (1616) OFB VII
Mem Memorial (1621) OFB VII
MHV Of magnanimitie or heroicall vertue (c.1595) OFB I
ML Maxims of the law (1597) OFB II
MLU The man of life upright *
MMS Memorial of some points in his Majesty’s Speech (1613/14) OFB VII
MN Magnalia Naturae (1626/7) OFB XIV
MPL Memorial touching the review of penal laws (n.d.) OFB VII
MQS Memorandum on the Queen’s safety (1594) OFB I
NA New Atlantis (1626) OFB XIV
NCCB Notes re Cranfield/Countess of Buckingham (1621–22) OFB VII
NDC Notes on Lord Darcy’s Case (1616) OFB VII
NO Novum organum (1620) OFB XI
NovA Nova Atlantis (1638) *
NSpC Notes to a Speech in Chancery (Whitlock) (1619–20) OFB VII
NSpW Notes of a speech on war with Spain (1623–24) OFB VII
NYT Notes on Mr Attorney’s Cause/Yelverton’s Trial (1620) OFB VII
OC An Answere to the questions … touching the office of Constable (1608) OFB III
OCN1 Obiections against the change of the name of England into the name of Brittanie (25 Apr. 1604) OFB III
OCN2 Objections against the change of the name or style of England and Scotland (27 Apr. 1604) OFB III
OCR Ordinance for Constituting Reporters (1617) OFB VII
OD Offer of a digest of the laws of England (1621) OFB VII
OKP [On the King’s prerogative] (from 1603) OFB III
OL Observations made upon a libell (1592) OFB I
OL(ep) Epistle to the reader (of OL) (1593) OFB I
OrC* Of the title of Great Britain (perhaps 1604) OFB III
OrC* Ordinances in Chancery (1618–21) OFB VII
ORF On Royal Finances (1619–20) OFB VII
OTGB Ordinances in Chancery (1618–21) OFB VII
OU Usury and the use thereof (29 Mar. 1623) OFB VII
PA Prodromi sive anticipationes philosophiae secundae (c.1621) OFB XIII
PAH Parasceve ad historiam naturalem (1620) OFB XI
PAR Proposition concerning the augmentation of the King’s revenue (Aug. 1612) OFB III
PC Public Commissions (1619–20) OFB VII
PCL Proposition touching the compiling of the laws (1616) OFB VII
PFE Promus or formularies of elegancies (1594–1595) OFB I
PHL Petition to the House of Lords (29 Mar. 1620) OFB VII
PhU Phænomena universi (1609–1611) OFB VI
PID Partis instaurationis secundæ delineatio & argumentum (by 1609) OFB V
PMR Physiological & medical remains OFB VIII
Pr A prayer made by the Lord Chancellor (after 1618) OFB VII
PrB A proclamation for buildings (25 July 1608) OFB III
PrC A proclamation drawn for his Majesty’s first coming in (Apr./May 1603) OFB III
PrCI [Proclamation on Cloth] (1613) OFB III
PRD Proposition for the repressing of singular combats or Duelloes (1613?) OFB VII
PrFa [Proclamation on Farthings] (1613) OFB III
PrFe [Proclamation on Felts] (1613) OFB III
PrGS [Proclamation on Gold and Silver] (1612) OFB III
PrJ A proclamation for jurors (by 5 Oct. 1607) OFB III
PrJC [Proclamation on John Cotton] (1613) OFB III
PrM A proclamation touching the Marches (1607-8) OFB III
Pro The proceedings of the Earl of Essex (1599) OFB I
PrP Draft ofa proclamation for Parliament (1620) OFB VII
PrS A draught of a proclamation touching his Majesties style (by Oct. 1604) OFB III
PS A Prayer, or Psalme (1621) OFB VII
PUL A preparation for the union of lawes (by 1608) OFB II
PVO Points to be observed in the voluntary oblation (1614) OFB VII
QLW Questions about the lawfulness of a war for the propagation of religion *
RA Reading on advowsons (1588) OFB I
RAS Reply to the arguments of the serjeants (1607?) OFB III
Rep A Report (1621) OFB VII
RFC Report of the first dayes conference (28 Feb. 1607) OFB III
RRC Reasons to remove Coke to be Chief Justice (1613) OFB III
RSp06 Report on a Speech in Parliament (25 Nov. 1606) OFB III
RSU Reading on the statute of uses (Lent 1600) OFB II
RPh Redargutio philosophiarum (by 1609) OFB V
RPM A report … att a conference concerning the peticion of the marchantes (17 June 1607) OFB III
RPQ On the religious policies of the Queen (Letter to Critoy) (c.1589) OFB I
RSU Reading on the statute of uses (1600) OFB II
SCDS Star Chamber notes on deer stealing (n.d.) OFB VII
Sed Of seditions and troubles (by c. 1614) OFB III
SF Sermones fideles sive interiora rerum (1638) *
[SHC] [On the Sutton Hospital Case] (1612) OFB III
SI Scala intellectus sive filum labyrinthi (n.d.) OFB V
SP1 Submission to Parliament (19 April) (19 Apr. 1621) OFB VII
SP2 Submission to Parliament (22 April) (22 Apr. 1621) OFB VII
SP3 Submission to Parliament (30 April) (30 Apr. 1621) OFB VII
SpA The speeche deliuered at the Arraignemte of the Lord Sanquer (27 June 1612) OFB III
SpC Speech in Star Chamber (1619) OFB VII
SpCG Speech to the King presenting the Commons’ grievances (3 July 1610) OFB III
SpCH Speech at the taking of his place in Chancery (7 May 1617) OFB VII
SpCP Speech upon the Case of Parry (1614) OFB VII
SpD Speech to Sir John Denham (19 May 1617) OFB VII
SpF First Speech (30 Jan. 1620) OFB VII
SpK Speech on receiving the King’s messages (1610) OFB VII
SpH Speech to Mr Serjeant Hutton (19 May 1617) OFB VII
SpI Speech on impositions (1614) OFB VII
SpJ Speech to the Judges (1617) OFB VII
SpKM Speech on receiving the King’s messages (1610) OFB III
SpL* Speech concerning the union of laws (28 Mar. 1607) OFB III
SpL* Speech to the Lords (1621) OFB VII
SpN Speech concerning the article of naturalization (17 Feb. 1607) OFB III
SpP Speech touching purveyors (27 Apr. 1604) OFB III
SpPS Speech persuading supply (23 Nov. 1610) OFB III
SpS Speech to the Commons on a motion of subsidy (1597) OFB II
SpSC(17) Speech in Star Chamber (1617) (1617) OFB VII
SpSC(18) Star-Chamber. My L. Chancellor’s speech to the judges (26 June 1618) OFB VII
SpSC(19) Speech to the Speaker’s excuse (early 1621) OFB VII
SpSC(20) Speech in Star Chamber (1620) Yelverton (1620) OFB VII
SpSE Speech in Star Chamber (1619) OFB VII
SpW Accusation of Wentworth and others – Speech in STAC (1615) OFB VII
SpWJ Speech to Sir William Jones (19 May 1617) OFB VII
SpWT A speech unto the Lords for wards and tenures (8 Mar. 1610) OFB III
SpU Speech concerning Undertakers (c.1615)
SS Sylva sylvarum (1626) OFB XIV
SSWN Sylva sylvarum (working notes) (before 1626) OFB XIV
ST For the Earl of Sussex at the tilt (1596) OFB I
STP A speech … touching purveyors (1604) OFB III
TC Thema cœli (c.1612) OFB VI
TCP Translation of certain Psalms (1625) OFB VIII
TDL Topica inquisitionis de luce et lumine (1625) OFB VI
TGB Of the true greatness of Britain (1603-1608) OFB III
TGKS Of the true greatnes of kingdomes and states (1612–25) OFB III
TGS The lawes concerninge the transportacion of goulde & silver (c.1609?) OFB III
TL Two letters, as by Anthony Bacon and Essex (1600) OFB II
TLS Form of Sir Thomas Lake’s submission (1619–20) OFB VII
TML Tradendi modus legitimus (c. 1603) OFB V
TP Two prayers OFB III
TPM Temporis partus masculus (c. 1603) OFB V
Tr Tribuit or giving that which is due (1591–2) OFB I
TRL A true report of the detestable treason intended by Doctor Roderigo Lopez (1594) OFB I
VBS A short view to be taken of great Britain and Spain (1623–) OFB VII
VDQ A view of the differences in question betwixt the king’s bench and the Council in the Marches (by June 1606) OFB III
VT Valerius terminus of the interpretation of nature (by c. 1603) OFB V
War Warrants (n.d.) OFB VII
WB ‘The worlds a bubble’  *
WDGS The warrant dorman[t?] for gold and silver of […] (1618) OFB VII