Oxford Francis Bacon VII:
Political and Legal Writings, 1613–1626
Ed. by Chris R. Kyle
1 | Proposition for the repressing of singular combats or Duelloes (1613?) | PRD |
2 | Charge touching Duels (1614) | ChD |
3 | The argument on the writ De non procedendo rege inconsulto (1615) | ArW |
4 | The charge against M. L. S. W. and H. I. for scandall and traducing (10 Nov. 1615) | ChST |
5 | Case of the Impeachment of Waste (c.1615) | CIW |
6 | Case of the Revocation of Uses (c.1615) | CRU |
7 | Lowe’s Case of Tenures (c.1615) | LCT |
8 | Speech concerning Undertakers (c.1615) | SpU |
9 | Arguments in the case de commenda (1616) | ArDC |
10 | Arguments of law … in certain great and difficult cases (1616) | ArL |
11 | Letter of Advice to Villiers (version unknown) (1616) | LAV |
12 | Aphorismi de jure gentium maiore (c.1618) | AJ |
13 | The counsells warrant for searching [?] for gold and siluer thread (1618) | CWGS |
14 | A prayer made by the Lord Chancellor (after 1618) | Pr |
15 | The warrant dorman[t?] for gold and silver of […] (1618) | WDGS |
16 | Speech in Star Chamber (1619) | SpSC(19) |
17 | First Speech (30 Jan. 1620) | SpF |
18 | Offer of a digest of the laws of England (1621) | OD |
19 | Speech to the Speaker’s excuse (early 1621) | SpSE |
20 | Upon the death of the duke of Richmond and Lennox (Feb. 1624) | DRL |
21 | Ordinances in Chancery (1618–21) | OrC |
22 | The charge … against William Talbot (Jan. 1614) | ChT |
23 | It is fit for the King to call a Parliament (1613/14) | KCP |
24 | Incidents of a Parliament (1613/14) | IP |
25 | Memorial of some points in his Majesty’s Speech (1613/14) | MMS |
26 | Points to be observed in the voluntary oblation (1614) | PVO |
27 | Memorial touching the review of penal laws (n.d.) | MPL |
28 | Star Chamber notes on deer stealing (n.d.) | SCDS |
29 | Act of Council on Commendams (n.d.) | ACC |
30 | Decree on Praemunire (n.d.) | DP |
31 | Case of John Bartram (1616) | CJB |
32 | Notes on Lord Darcy’s Case (1616) | NDC |
33 | Letter of Advice to Villiers (version 2) (1616) | LAV2 |
34 | Speech at the taking of his place in Chancery (7 May 1617) | SpCh |
35 | Speech in Star Chamber (1617) (1617) | SpSC(17) |
36 | A short view to be taken of Great Britain and Spain (1623–) | VBS |
37 | On Royal Finances (1619–20) | ORF |
38 | Notes to a Speech in Chancery (Whitlock) (1619–20) | NSpC |
39 | Last Will (1621) (1621) | LW1 |
40 | A Prayer, or Psalme (1621) | Ps |
41 | Warrants (n.d.) | War |
42 | Notes of a speech on war with Spain (1623–24) | NSpW |
43 | Speech upon the Case of Parry (1614) | SpCP |
44 | Speech on impositions (1614) | SpI |
45 | A Report (1621) | Rep |
46 | Speech to the Lords (1621) | SpL |
47 | Submission to Parliament (19 April) (19 Apr. 1621) | SP1 |
48 | Submission to Parliament (22 April) (22 Apr. 1621) | SP2 |
49 | Submission to Parliament (30 April) (30 Apr. 1621) | SP3 |
50 | Confession and Submission (1621) | ConS |
51 | Examination of Edward Peacham (1614–15) | EEP |
52 | The charge … against Mr I. S. (Oliver St John) (28 Apr. 1615) | ChIS |
53 | Charge against the Countess of Somerset (1616) | ChCS |
54 | Charge against the Earl of Somerset (1616) | ChES |
55 | Memorial for a declaration in Council (1616) | MDC |
56 | Letter of Advice to Villiers (version 1) (1616) | LAV1 |
57 | Proposition touching the compiling of the laws (1616) | PCL |
58 | Cloth trade (1616) | CT |
59 | Speech to Mr Serjeant Hutton (19 May 1617) | SpH |
60 | Speech to Sir John Denham (19 May 1617) | SpD |
61 | Speech to Sir William Jones (19 May 1617) | SpWJ |
62 | Speech to the Judges (1617) | SpJ |
63 | Ordinance for Constituting Reporters (1617) | OCR |
64 | Draft ofa proclamation for Parliament (1620) | PrP |
65 | Legal Notes (1621) | LN |
66 | Considerations touchinge a warre with Spaine (1624) | CWS |
67 | Accusation of Wentworth and others – Speech in STAC (1615) | SpW |
68 | Accounts (1618) | ACT |
69 | Speech in Star Chamber (1620) Yelverton (1620) | SpSC(20) |
70 | Form of Sir Thomas Lake’s submission (1619–20) | TLS |
71 | Circular from the Council to the Nobility (1620) | CCN |
72 | Certificate touching the wools of Ireland (1616) | CWI |
73 | Usury and the use thereof (29 Mar. 1623) | OU |
74 | Last Will (1625) (19 Dec. 1625) | LW2 |
75 | Last will (Baconiana) (by 1625) | LW3 |
76 | Charge of Owen (1615) | Ch01 |
77 | Charge of Owen (fair copy) (1615) | Ch02 |
78 | Innovations introduced into the laws (1616) | IIL |
79 | Public Commissions (1619–20) | PC |
80 | Notes on Mr Attorney’s Cause/Yelverton’s Trial (1620) | NYT |
81 | Memorial (1621) | Mem |
82 | Memorandum of access (1621–22) | MAC |
83 | Petition to the House of Lords (29 Mar. 1620) | PHL |
84 | Notes re Cranfield/Countess of Buckingham (1621–22) | NCCB |
85 | To the King advising him to call Parliament (1615) | KP |
86 | A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh (1618) | DWR |
87 | Star-Chamber. My L. Chancellor’s speech to the judges (26 June 1618) | SpSC(18) |
88 | Letter to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal (19 Mar. 1621) | LST |