Oxford Francis Bacon
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Plan of the Edition
Editorial & Advisory Board
Published Vols
OFB I: Early Writings 1584-1596
OFB IV: Advancement of Learning
OFB VI: Philosophical Studies
OFB VIII: Historie of King Henry VII
OFB XI: Novum organum
OFB XII: Historia naturalis
OFB XIII: Instauratio: Last Writings
OFB XV: Essayes and Counsels (1625)
Planned Vols
OFB II: Late Elizabethan Writings
OFB III: Earlier Jacobean Writings
OFB V: Early Philosophical Writings
OFB VII: Political and Legal Writings
OFB IX & X: De augmentis
OFB XIV: Sylva and New Atlantis
OFB XVI: Index
Short Titles
Submission Form
Early Editions
Bacon in the Right Spirit. Review of Graham Ress and Christopher Upton, Francis Bacon’s Natural Philosophy. A New Source (London: The British Society for the History of Science, 1984)
Homo homini Deus. Per un’introduzione al pensiero giuridico di Francis Bacon
Bacon, Hobbes e gli aforismi di Chatsworth House
March 26, 2017
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Bacon in the Right Spirit. Review of Graham Ress and Christopher Upton, Francis Bacon’s Natural Philosophy. A New Source (London: The British Society for the History of Science, 1984)
Homo homini Deus. Per un’introduzione al pensiero giuridico di Francis Bacon
Recently Published
Early Writings 1584-1596
, ed. by Alan Stewart with
Harriet Knight